I truly don't know how to describe how wonderful all of our showers were. I felt so lucky to have people that love us so much put all that work into just a few hours for us!
Here are (probably too many) pictures from our amazing trip home!
Shower at Melissa's house! Melissa and Annie did an awesome job! We had SO much fun! It was so great to be with my friends. Melissa added so many thoughtful touches, I am so fortunate to have such good friends.
Shower with the Wetzells. It ended up being quite the eventful night! A really strong storm came through and it put us in the basement for a little bit. It took out their power line and their big glass table by the pool. We seemed to have fun anyway!
Weekend at the Wetzell cabin!
Another highlight of our trip was seeing the Twins stadium for the first time!!!
Fun at the Pahl's!
Ben slapping those goofy mosquitos...story of our life while we were in MN! :)
We spent a morning watching the girls get their horses ready and Gabby showing us her skills on her new pony!
Here is Lauren being "Lauren"!!!
Shower at Emily's! Emily, Trisha and Mom did an unbelievable job! I love you guys so much! Everything was so extremely thoughtful and of course we couldn't make it through the shower without a few tears...probably because of Emily's sweet words and her love of crying:)
We already miss everyone like crazy! Thank you to everyone for making our time home so wonderful! We love you all!
“Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” Philippians 2:9-11
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