The shower was so wonderful! We feel so blessed to have friends that took so much time making our first shower, for our first bambino, so special.
Abby and I!
Dustin and Kyah! Kyah is who I get to play with every day...isn't she the sweetest thing ever!
The Terpenings went above and beyond to make the day great! AMAZING food...seriously unbelievable! Can you spy Kyah in the background?! :)
We had so much fun with all our friends. They were all much too generous! We were, and are, so thankful!
One more I am at almost 29 weeks!
We hope you are all staying cool! Holy Toledo, we can't believe how hot it has been there. Just so you all know there was a 40 degree difference from our temperature to yours today! Usually I would love that warmth, but I have to say that being prego has made me appreciate the cooler temperatures here!:) We love you and miss you all! We CAN NOT wait to head to MN in just a few short weeks!
"Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus." 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
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