Sunday, May 29, 2011


Did you think I was going to be writing about ketchup?

Nope, I am just being a dork! This post is not going to be about the tomato based yummy condiment, but about me playing catch up on our blog! Oh boy, will Ben give me a hard time when he reads that! :)

As usual, somehow Ben and I seem to keep busy, but with what I am never sure! I feel like this time of year just starts the busy season for everyone.

We have been working on getting the nursery ready, which has been so much fun to do together! We have all our big items now except for a dresser. We have been patient in finding all the perfect things, for of course exceptional deals. We are not cheap or frugal...I like to say that we just make wise choices in that area!:) When our little sweetie's room is complete I will post pictures AND all of our great deals!

Here is a picture of Ben (well, just his hands) sanding down our glider chair we found at an antique store here in Lynden.

As for my pregnancy I have been feeling amazing! I am so thankful! I have been able to continue running and my body feels great. I definitely get tired at night, and I know Ben would most certainly agree with that statement! Other than that I truly praise God that I have loved every second of my pregnancy! I don't want the time to go so fast, but I am so stinking excited to meet our little bambino...and Ben would agree with that too! :) So, here is me at almost 28 weeks.

As I sit here writing this, Ben has just finished his first cross country ski race! How weird that Ben raced cross country skis, right?! Well, for the second year in a row he is competing in the Ski to Sea race, which is a huge deal in this area! I wrote about it last year, but if you want to read real information about it you can go here. There are olympic athletes that race, but of course not ALL of the athletes are that great! There are 500 teams and many of them just do it for fun! I know Ben is going to do amazing since he always seems to be successful with those things!

I will leave you with our new favorite homemade treat. It is this amazingly yummy cinnamon swirl bread. I was thinking about/craving:) the cinnamon bread we used to eat as kids in my Grandma and Grandpa's church basement, so I found this recipe which ended up being a lot different but SO good!!!!

We love you and miss you all so much! We pray that you are all enjoying your Memorial Day weekend!

“But from everlasting to everlasting the LORD’s love is with those who fear him, and his righteousness with their children’s children— with those who keep his covenant and remember to obey his precepts.” Psalm 103:17-18

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Benny's Birthday and a Few More Things!

We had so much fun celebrating Ben's birthday yesterday. Even though we both had to work, we still seemed to make it special! I LOVE birthdays, especially Benny's. One of my favorite things to do is make, and buy him many, many of his favorite foods and treats. I didn't take pictures, but Ben told me my meal was blog worthy, I guess that is a pretty nice compliment!

I haven't been doing a great job of staying up to date with belly pictures, but here are the most recent ones. "Almost" 24 and 25 weeks in these pictures!
24 weeks
25 weeks
Now, we KNOW that spring has definitely sprung in Minnesota...especially today! Geesh Louish, I can't believe how warm it is there today. To say I am a jealous is an understatement! It definitely isn't as warm here, but it is slowly getting nicer! The trees and flowers are definitely popping here, so I just had to dress up our table with some flowers from one of our bushes!

Not much else here. Since the weather has been getting nicer we have been trying to get outside more. Ben has been trying to teach me to be a golfer by having me go along with him to the course, which I love. I bogeyed my first (and only) hole I ever golfed, so I was pretty darn proud of myself! I hope I can pick up on some of his amazing skills. I will bring my camera next time we go because there are some beautiful views!

We hope you all enjoy your beautiful weather in the Midwest today! We love you and miss you all so much!

"However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the gospel of God’s grace." Acts 20:24