Here are just a few pictures from the day.
Click on this picture to make it bigger...the MN license plate is right at the top...duh, of course it would be!
There were also really yummy apples, which of course we thought were free.
As we later found out, they were the "forbidden" fruit:)! Long story...:)
Then we headed to Bellingham, to go for a walk. We saw the biggest leaves we had ever seen.
Just a few more of my favorites from the pumpkin patch.
This just looked like the "perfect little pumpkin" sitting there all by itself!
Now to explain the title of this post. Have you ever felt restless in life, like you have prayed in every way and with all the words you can think of to use? Have you ever really chased after the meaning of what it truly means to completely rest in the Lord? Well, that is exactly what I have been trying to figure out this week. One reason God amazes me so much is because just when you think you are starting to have it all figured out, that you are growing in His knowledge rapidly, He will start you new, to mold you in a different way, to help you begin to learn even more about His insane love. I am really trying to learn what it truly means to rest in Him, to have a true, pure joy that only comes when we become completely submitted to Him.
I heard this song and absolutely fell in love with it and the words. (And I really like Audrey Assad, the artist:) ) Keep scrolling down to listen to the song!
"During the days of Jesus' life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions with loud cries and tears to the one who could save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverent submission." Hebrews 5:7